1.2 Million Americans Qualify for PrEP. Do you?

At Stone Medical DPC, your trusted partner in healthcare, we provide comprehensive HIV prevention services, including PrEP consultations, screening and prescriptions.

PrEP, short for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, is a daily pill (Truvada or Descovy) or a bi-monthly injectable (Apretude) that helps substantially reduce the risk of HIV transmission, particularly for individuals at high risk. PrEP is the main prevention strategy for ending the HIV epidemic in the United States. In 2020, despite a recommendation for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for approximately 1.2 million Americans, only a mere 25% had obtained a prescription for it.

Are you eligible for PrEP? The CDC recommends considering PrEP regardless of sexual orientation if you are HIV negative and have had anal or vaginal sex in the past 6 months and:

- Have a sexual partner with HIV, or

- Have not consistently used a condom, or

- Have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection in the past 6 months

PrEP is also recommended for people who are HIV negative that inject drugs and:

- Have an injection partner with HIV, or

- Share needles, syringes, or other equipment to inject drugs

In some instances, it is also considered for people without HIV who have been prescribed non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis and report continued risk behavior or have used multiple courses of post-exposure prophylaxis.

PrEP is over 90% effective in preventing HIV transmission when taken consistently and even more effective when used in conjunction with other safer sex practices, such as condom use and regular STI screenings. PrEP does not protect against other sexually transmitted infections. At Stone Medical, we believe in increasing HIV testing and providing PrEP for everyone who could benefit. If you think you could benefit from PrEP and live in Denver, email us at Stone Medical or visit a local sexual health clinic. Take proactive steps to protect your sexual health.


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