How to Maximize the Benefits of Telemedicine

Telemedicine was the wave of the future, and now its here revolutionizing the way healthcare is delivered. By providing convenient access to medical services remotely, you can save time and money. In this blog post, we'll explore the key considerations for utilizing telemedicine and provide practical tips for a successful virtual visit.

When to Use Telemedicine:

  1. Telemedicine is suitable for non-emergency medical needs, such as routine follow-ups, medication management, minor illnesses, and chronic disease management.

  2. Telemedicine is particularly beneficial for individuals facing accessibility challenges, including those living in remote areas, individuals with limited mobility, or those with transportation constraints.

  3. Telemedicine offers a time-saving solution and is convenient for individuals with busy schedules who find it challenging to take time off work or arrange childcare in order to be seen.

Preparing for a Telemedicine Visit:

  1. Prepare a list of symptoms or concerns, medication questions, and any recent test results or medical history that may be relevant to your virtual visit. This will help the flow of your visit and allow your healthcare provider to make an accurate assessment.

  2. Familiarize yourself with your clinic’s telemedicine platform and ensure you have a stable internet connection and adequate lighting. Test your technology prior to the visit.

  3. Find a quiet and private space for the telemedicine visit. Ensure there are no distractions and consider using headphones for enhanced privacy.

Tips for a Successful Telemedicine Visit:

  1. Be prepared so that you can clearly communicate your health concerns.

  2. Ask clarifying questions about your condition, treatment options and any recommended lifestyle modifications. Ensure you understand the instructions and follow-up plan.

  3. After the telemedicine visit, follow through with any recommended actions, such as picking up prescriptions, scheduling further tests, or booking follow-up appointments.

It is important to note that telemedicine has its limitations and in some cases in-person evaluation may be necessary.

Consider Seeking In-person Care if:

  1. You have an emergency or life-threatening condition that requires immediate attention.

  2. Your symptoms require a physical examination (example: shoulder pain, wheezing, heart palpitations) or diagnostic tests that cannot be conducted remotely (like an EKG), OR

  3. Your healthcare provider recommends an in-person visit based on the complexity of your condition.

Telemedicine offers a convenient and effective way to access healthcare services remotely. By understanding when and how to use telemedicine effectively, you can optimize your healthcare experience, save time, and receive quality care from the comfort of your own home. Stone Medical embraces telemedicine as a valuable healthcare tool and we utilize it often to help provide easy access and convenience for our patients.


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